
Krewe of the Fives

We're the float that doesn't move, the morning fête, the oi polloi. Six feet above the street, laughing and dancing and hassling the crowds. We want your beads, your candies, your boiled peanuts, and your pretty wenches. We're the Krewe of the Fives.

All year I live in a crickity crackety apartment that's slowly returning the soil, dealing with palmetto bugs and critters in the walls and an oven that doesn't work. Downtown noises and overflow parking from the hotel down the street. But one day a year, one spring morning when the dogwoods are blooming and folks pack the streets, mine is the best house in town. My friends show up happy, the beer goes down easy, and the marching bands step lively.

I simply can't express how I fall in love, each and every year, with the whole damned affair. If you can, come join us. Bring chips and a smile.


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Wish I could join you. Sounds (and looks) like a damn good time to me, brother.

I can't type for shit today, I swear.

That Hank said...

Wish you could be there. Mom sometimes comes, but she worries about people falling off the wall in front.

Steph(anie) said...

Look at that gorgeous May! Hi May!

Ms. Moon said...

I do worry about that for a damn good reason. And you know it!
It's a lovely party, though. It really is.

That Hank said...

As of yet, we have had no falling-related injuries.

Steph(anie) said...


honeyluna said...

I think Lily, Owen, and I are gonna all come down together. It will be the boy's first Springtime Tallahassee parade!
I'm excited!

That Hank said...

Whoo! It is gonna be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, beer.....
The rest sounds fun too!

Petit fleur said...

Great picture! Have a time friends!


Lois said...

One of those marching bands will be led by my beautiful daughter, who is the band director at Godby High School, so I will definitely be there. Be sure to give them a round of applause as they march by!

That Hank said...

PF: You're welcome to join us.

Lois: As are you. Or at least say hi if you see us. We'll be sure to cheer your daughter - we give a rousing hurrah for every marching band anyway.

Slyde said...

i never knew how the hell to spell oi polloi before :)

That Hank said...

Well, technically it's hoi polloi, I was just making a small pun.

Anonymous said...

Greeks didn't have a letter for "h", so they used a little breathing mark in front of Oi. It was written as 'Oi.
So, power to the oi polloi! Oi Oi Oi!

Juancho said...

That parade is just so early. By the time I'm making my grits the band has done marched.

That Hank said...

Excuses, excuses.