
That Time of Year

This week is like fruit basket turnover, Tally-style. All the students are coming in and all the locals are trying to find a cooler apartment than they already have. I helped a friend move out of her place on the 31st while the new tenant brought their gear in. It seems like everyone in town moved one place to the left.

Old school Tally apartments make me happy. Give me a small space (over a garage? carved out of a larger house? in a brick building down on Franklin and Park?) with hardwood floors, white walls, windows that actually open, and a big bathtub. I'll leave the game room, free internet access, strange roommates, plywood construction, overly chlorinated swimming pools, and gate guards to the college kids who don't know any better.


Ms. Moon said...

I can walk into some random old funky Tallahassee apartment and say, "I've lived here before!" Not actually, but the kitchen will have the same tile, cabinets, smell...
I love that.

That Hank said...

Taylor's new bathroom is completely classic black and white tile. We have the same bathtub, though.

Anonymous said...

Such a cool post.

I love downtownish Tally. I used to live there, but I don't remember. My 1st birthday photo from the Democrat has our address on Adams Street.

Miss T

Juancho said...

You may never get rich in Tally, but you can always find a crib with "character".

I, personally have lived in 11 or 12 tallypads over the years.

The "White House" on P'Cola which is now an apartment/Subway complex. contrary to popular belief Jim Morrison did NOT live there. Or did he?

Lipona St. - Wholesale disgustingness, spent most of our time partying on the roof under the influence of mind-altering substances.

Corner of St. Aug and Lorene. last stop before the Great Western Migration. You could say I was hatched anew there.

And of course, 10th Ave and the surrounding Levy Park/ Beautiful Circle gang. Currently under threat of gentrification. Paint + Flowers = an extra $50,000.

Damn, us fogies do tend to ramble on... thanks for touching on a truly esoteric Tallyism.

That Hank said...

One of the best places I ever rented was on the corner of 7th and MLK. An ugly little two bed/one bath. Cheap as hell, and great looking on the inside. We had the greatest parties there, and the gas station on 7th was within easy walking distance for more beer.

Miss Trashahassee said...


I have an auntie who lives/used to live on 10th. I always wanted to live in her big house instead of our trailer. I love my auntie. And Juancho, wherever Jim Morrison was, he lived. Until he died, that is. And hasn't everybodder lived at 123 White Drive, Apartment H, Valley-Hi Apartments? Peace out. Word to your motha.

Miss T